10 AWSUM Tips for The London Marathon 2023
WOW where did the time go! It is now less than two weeks before the London Marathon 2023 takes place.
By now all of your long runs are out of the way and now you know what time it is…. “IT’S TAPER TIME”
Tapering is an essential part of any training programme especially for a Marathon, this is the period where all your long runs have been complete and it’s now time to reduce the training duration, intensity, and volume. Your body and mind have been working hard for months, it’s now time to get plenty of rest, recovery, good sleep, nutrition, and hydrate. This will ensure you are in top condition and ready for peak performance to achieve your goal and what you set out to achieve all those weeks ago.
Below are our top 10 Awsum tips for tapering. These will help you maximise the next two weeks to ensure you are in good health, fully energized, and excited about completing the 26.2-mile victory lap that you have trained so hard for.
- In week one of the taper reduce the mileage by 30% compared to your maximum training week. Make sure you maintain the intensity of your workouts to ensure your muscles maintain strength and your cardiovascular system primed but DO NOT cram in any extra training, make any drastic changes or panic. You have done all of the hard work, trust the process.
- In week 2 reduce the mileage down by another 30%, the biggest reduction will be in the final week. This week focus more on easy, low impact running. Avoid the intense workouts that will lead to fatigue and possible injury. Your long run in this week should be about half the distance of your longest training run.
- Make sure you do not go too far the other way and sofa surf, reduce the volume yes, but it is important to stay active, maintain intensity and keep moving. This maintains fitness levels but allows your body to recover quickly. Try to incorporate less impactful activities such as yoga, swimming, or cycling.
- Sleep! Our favourite thing. It is so important to get plenty of sleep, a minimum of 8 hours every night. This ensures maximum recovery and rest. This will maximise your performance no end.
- Nutrition is key: Continue to eat a healthy, balanced diet. This includes plenty of carbohydrates to fuel your muscles and will help your body recover and prepare for the race. Do not try any new foods or supplements in the last few days before the race to prevent digestive issues.
- Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and avoid excessive amounts of caffeine and alcohol as this can dehydrate you.
- Avoid Stress and negativity: Stress can have negative effects on your performance. This includes social media platforms, TV, what you listen to or read. This also includes other participants who you will begin to flap, panic and ask 1000 questions. Stay calm, stay focused.
- Visualize Success: You have worked so hard and sacrificed so much to even get to this point, the race is your victory lap and for you to enjoy. Visualize yourself running strong, proud, happy, and soaking up the incredible encouragement from the London crowd. Visualize running round that last bend, up The Mall and through the finish line with your hands aloft with a big smile on your face receiving your medal.
- Plan Everything! Take your time and plan out what you will be wearing on the day. Have your name printed on your top, do not leave this until the last minute. Screaming at your iron at midnight and having a meltdown isn’t going to help. Plan out your pre kit, post kit, food, hydration, toilet roll (always take toilet roll), pain killers, small medical kit, change of fresh cloths, deodorant, travel plans, where you will meet family and friends at the end, and how close/far is your chosen pub or restaurant. Being prepared will build confidence and reduce stress massively.
- Be Kind and patient to everyone around you. Family, friends and colleagues. Trust me, they all know you are doing a marathon! They have supported you this far, try not to turn into a purple Minion in the last two weeks.
Tapering is an individualised process as everyone is different. What works for one may not work for another, therefore it is important to stick to the plan, know what works best for you, your mind, and your body. Believe in yourself. All the hard work has been done. Time to now wind down, look after yourself and look forward to race day.
We wish you the very best of luck. It’s an incredibly special day, enjoy it, high-five the crowds and run with a smile.
Remember Team Awsum are behind you all the way, we have #AWSUMBUILTIN.
We’re coming for you London!